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Book a room

Learn how to create a room booking

Updated this week

Create a room booking

To book a room, go to Locations > Rooms > select the date and timeslot you need in the rooms' calendar.

To view the description and properties of the specific room, click the ⓘ button next to the desired room's name. To open the room's weekly booking calendar, click on its title or photo.

To create a booking, complete the form with the following details:

  • Title — the name of the booking. Control the visibility of the title on the Account page.

  • Time — booking is possible according to the booking rules (minimum time, maximum time).


  • Invitees are users who attend the booking alongside a booker. Invitees can only be selected among location members by other members of this location.

  • Memo — a private note visible only to a booker and administrators.

  • Promo code or Coupon — allows a user to redeem a discount on the room booking if they qualify for any discounts.

  • Payment. Understand payment methods. The total price for a booking will be calculated based on the price tiers added for this room, factoring in any applicable discount from the user's subscription or entered promo code.

Once a room booking is made, users can add it to their Google Calendar.

View room bookings

Bookers view their own room bookings on the Account > Bookings page and can manage them from this page. They also see upcoming bookings on the banner on the main Locations page and receive push notifications before the booking starts and ends. Understand users' notifications

Invitees view bookings on the widget and receive push notifications when a booking is created and about to end.


Why are some booking titles/bookers' names not visible?

The visibility of users’ names and booking titles depends on each user's privacy settings. The highest visibility level is “Administrators”, so administrators can always see users’ names and titles on bookings. Meanwhile, members and nonmembers cannot see each other’s personal data on the bookings unless bookers select the relevant personal data visibility in their account privacy settings (e.g., “Company Members,” “Location Members,” etc.).

How to customize booking confirmation emails?

We cannot customize the confirmation emails sent via the app from our side but administrators can set up customized booking confirmation emails using our Zapier integration by following this guide.

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