Manage user account
Updated over a week ago

Users can create, manage, and delete their accounts in the app.

Create an account

User's account is created when they log in to the app for the first time.

While going through an onboarding process in the app, a user enters their personal information such as name, surname, phone number, and an optional "About" field.

If the user was invited by an administrator, the personal information fields are prefilled with the data the administrator entered on the "New invitation" page, but the user has an option to edit it.

Manage an account

Upon creating an account, the user takes over their account management. Each user has a unique user profile where only they can manage the following personal information:

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Email

  • Phone number

  • "About" field (available only from the mass invitation file)

  • Privacy settings (setting of the phone number, email, name on the bookings and booking titles visibility to other app users)

Administrators cannot make changes to the user's personal information as users are solely responsible for managing their data.

To modify their personal information, users follow the steps below:

  1. Click on their profile picture in the bottom left corner to open the Account page.

  2. Go to the Name, Phone Number, About page to change their name, phone number, and "About" field.

  3. Go to the Privacy and Security page to change their email and privacy settings.

By default the visibility of user's name and booking title is set to "Company Members" and the visibility of user's email and phone number is set to "Administrators" in the privacy settings. If users decide to change their privacy settings, their personal information will become visible to other members of the app. Only users themselves are responsible for it since administrators are not able to change user's privacy settings.

Delete an account

If a user decides to leave the app, they can delete their account by navigating to Account > Privacy and Security > tapping Delete.

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