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Manage user notifications

All users receive notifications about the essential for them updates, and can customize their notification preferences.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Understand user notifications

User notifications are alerts sent to users about updates or reminders originating from or relating to their actions or accounts. They help improve user engagement, ensure users stay informed, and prompt them to take action when needed.

Examples of the user notifications include (not limited to):



Booking invitations

A booking is created for you, or you are invited as an invitee

Booking start reminders

A reminder 5 minutes before the booking starts for room bookings or at 9 a.m. for desk, office, or parking lot bookings

Booking end reminders

A reminder 5 minutes before the booking ends

Subscription updates

  • Subscription created for you

  • Credits and day passes accrue or expire with subscription renewal

  • A reminder that your subscription ends in 1 day

New Feed posts

A new feed post was created

Feed comments

New comments under the post you created or commented on

Event reminders

Reminders about the event you joined 24 and 1 hour before the event begins

Events canceled

The event you joined has been canceled

Visitor check-ins

Your visitor has arrived and checked in through the Reception

Visitor requests

A visitor requested a visit with you through the Reception

Support ticket comments

New comments on your support tickets

Support ticket updates

Status or assignee updates to your support tickets

Chat messages

A new chat message sent to you

Receive and manage user notifications

Notifications can be delivered through various channels, such as:

  • Push notifications to the member web portal and mobile app

  • Email notifications

Push notifications

Users receive all the user notifications as push notifications, except confirmation emails, member invitations, and emails to visitors. Receive push notifications

Email notifications

Email notifications are divided into two categories:

  • Mandatory Account-Related Notifications. These include essential updates, such as invitations to become a member of a location, all the updates related to users' invoices, payment confirmations, other confirmation emails configured by administrators, and visit notifications sent to visitors. Users always receive these notifications via email and cannot manage or disable them.

  • Optional Account-Related Notifications. These include notifications about other account-related updates that each user can manage in their account settings. See the full list of them

    • If enabled, users receive them via both email and push notifications. If disabled, users receive them only as push notifications.

Users manage their email notification preferences by going to the member web portal or mobile app > Account page > Notifications.

The following email notifications are enabled for new users by default:

  • Booking Invitations

  • Subscription Updates

  • Event Reminders

  • Events Canceled

  • Visitor Check-Ins

  • Visit Requests

  • New Support Tickets

  • Chat Messages


Can the email notification be sent to the user after every booking?

Email confirmations are automatically sent for monetary purchases. Users receive a confirmation and receipt for successful bookings. Use the Spacebring integration with Zapier to send users email notifications for all bookings, even those not paid with money.

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