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Understand active users

Learn about who are active users

Updated over 2 months ago

Your subscription with Spacebring includes a certain number of active users. If you exceed this number in a certain subscription period, additional active users are counted in packages, which incurs extra charges.

How to check included and additional active users

The owner can always check all the details of included and additional active users to date and related charges by following these steps:

  1. In Spacebring, click the (...) menu next to the network name on the left-side panel.

  2. Navigate to the Network Settings > Billing page > check the "Usage" section > "Active Users".




The number of active users your Spacebring plan includes and how many active users within this limit you've had so far in the current subscription period. Included active users are covered by your subscription fee and are not billed additionally.


The number of active users over the limit of included active users in the current subscription period so far.


The price for this number of additional active users will be added to your next payment. Learn more about the sizes and prices of additional active user packages on your plan.

Please remember that these numbers are for the given subscription period to date and they update in real time as you have more active users.

You can download the report of active users for the current subscription period by clicking on "Download Active Users (to-date)" under the "Usage" table. Besides, each invoice from Spacebring includes a link in the invoice footer to download active users for the previous subscription period.

Who are active users

An active user is someone who engages with the member web portal, member mobile app or Spacebring through bookings, payments, or by having a personal or company active subscription, thereby creating value for your business. Users who only view content without interacting with it, perform free actions on the Feed, Support, Chats, and Benefits pages, or are visitors or free event attendees aren't considered active and don't count toward your subscription.

Users are considered active only if they perform this list of actions on the following pages.




  • Create, update, or delete a room booking or being an owner or invitee of a created, updated, or deleted room booking


  • Create, update, delete a desk booking or being an owner of a created, updated, or deleted desk booking


  • Create, update, delete a parking space booking or being an owner of a created, updated, or deleted parking space booking


  • Buy a credit package

  • Pay for an invoice

  • Sign up for a plan

  • Have an active personal or company subscription


  • Buy an event ticket with credits, invoices, or money


  • Order a product with credits, invoices, or money


  1. The member's personal or company subscription is considered active if it has already started and is currently running, regardless of its price or other settings and irrespective of the payment status of the member's invoices. If a customer is not paying their invoices, cancel their subscription so they do not count as active users. If certain company members are not visiting the space, remove them from the company so they are not considered active users based on their company subscription.

  2. Visitors are only counted as active users if they perform any action listed above, for example, book a room or sign up for a plan following the visit. The visitor registration alone doesn't make the visitor an active user.

  3. Occasionally, we develop and release new features and integrations that may add actions that qualify users as active.

Counting active users

  • Active users are counted at the entire app level regardless of the number of locations.

  • A company is never counted as an active user, meanwhile, users who belong to this company are counted as active if the company has an active subscription.

  • Active users are only counted once. In other words, if a user does two activities within the same billing period, it still counts as one active user.

  • Active users don't roll over to the next billing period. Every billing period starts counting activities anew.

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