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Manage upcoming invoice
Manage upcoming invoice

Learn how to edit, create and issue upcoming invoices.

Updated yesterday

Understand upcoming invoice

An upcoming invoice is a preview of the invoice that is scheduled to be issued with the next subscription renewal. It includes the subscription items for the next subscription cycle and any purchases made with the "Pay with Invoice" feature during the current subscription cycle.

The future invoice preview is only available for users and companies with subscriptions.

The upcoming invoice is automatically issued on the subscription renewal date or manually by an administrator in advance. If necessary, administrators can also edit the upcoming invoice.

View upcoming invoice

Administrators can view an upcoming invoice by following these steps:

  1. Go to Spacebring > Customers > pick the desired company or user > Billing.

  2. Press on the "Upcoming Invoice".

​Members and company managers can view an upcoming invoice by following these steps:

  1. Go to Locations > Membership > choose Billing in the personal or company section.

  2. Press on the "Upcoming Invoice".

Issue upcoming invoice

Administrators can create and issue the upcoming invoice before the subscription's automatic renewal if a user needs to pay for their subscription in advance. To issue the upcoming invoice, administrators do the following:

  1. Go to Customers > select a user or company > Billing.

  2. Tap on the "Upcoming Invoice" in the "Subscription" section and press the Create button, and confirm your choice.

After the invoice is created, it has the "Draft" status, and the administrator can still edit it and issue the invoice.

You can create unlimited invoices from the upcoming invoice during the current subscription cycle. The upcoming invoice will not repeat items from previously issued invoices. For example, if the January invoice was issued in December, the next month's invoice will display a $0 balance until new items are added.

Edit upcoming invoice

Administrators can make the following changes to the upcoming invoice:

  • Add, delete, or adjust the price and name of the invoice items

  • Customize due date

Manage invoice items

Administrators can edit the subscription to reflect these changes on the upcoming invoice or create extra one-off items for the upcoming invoice.

To edit the existing invoice items in the upcoming invoice, administrators edit the user's subscription.

Upcoming invoices can also include payments that users made with the company or personal invoice. Administrators can only delete these items, but they cannot change their details.

To add additional one-off items to the upcoming invoice, administrators do the following:

  1. Go to Customers > select a user or company.

  2. Go to Billing > select "Upcoming Invoice" in the "Subscription" section.

  3. Tap Create Item.

  4. Type item name, unit price, and add quantity > press Create. The item name will appear on the invoice.

Manage the invoice due date

Once the current subscription cycle ends, the upcoming invoice will be automatically created and issued, with the default location of the "Payment Due" value applied.

Administrators can create an invoice earlier and customize the payment due date.

Delete upcoming invoice

There are several ways to prevent the next subscription invoice from being sent to a customer, depending on your needs:

Stopping all further invoices

If the member is canceling their subscription and should no longer receive invoices, schedule an end date for their subscription or cancel it immediately.

Applying a temporary 100% discount

If you want to offer a 100% discount for a specific period, apply a coupon to their subscription for 1 or the necessary number of months. The invoice will be generated with a 0 amount and the breakdown of the applied discount.

Preventing a subscription charge for the next month

Create the upcoming invoice in advance by pressing Create. Once created, you can delete it while it is still in draft status.

Disabling all automated invoices

To prevent any invoices—including $0 ones—from being issued automatically, disable "Auto-Invoice" in the customer's profile.

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