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Create an event

You can curate an events feed in your space using the Events page

Updated over a week ago

To create an event, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Locations > Events. If you don't see the page, go to the Locations > Settings page (the "Settings" icon next to the location's name) > Events and enable the feature.

  2. Press the + icon the top right corner to create an event and configure it:

Cover photo

An image in 2ร—1 ratio


The name of the event


The venue of your event


Event start date and time


Event end date and time


Relevant details about your event

Limited Attendees

Enable to limit the number of attendees


If enabled, your customers will be able to join the event


Indicate ticket prices in โ˜† and money

Custom Tax Rate

Enable to set custom tax rate for the event monetary price if the fixed location tax doesn't apply to it.

Refund Policy

Select whether tickets are refundable. Automatic refunds will be issued for tickets canceled before the selected time.

Confirmation Email

Enable it for event attendees to receive an email confirmation about the event they joined


Manage access to the event by making it visible to administrators, location members, network members, or the public.

3. Press the Create button after configuring your event to create it.

Once you create an event, it will be visible on your Events page.

If you create a public event, the visibility of the event must be set to "Public."

How to create paid events

Upon creating an event, keep "Joining" turned on and specify the price in money or credits. Once you save the changes, users will be able to purchase tickets.

How to create free events

Upon creating an event, keep "Joining" turned on and disable the "Credits" and "Money" options. Once you save the changes, your customers can join the event for free.

Event reminders

Your app sends several reminders of upcoming events to event attendees:

  • Email confirmation (if enabled in event settings) at the time of purchase

  • Push notification 24 hours before the event starts

  • Push notification 1 hour before the event starts

  • In-app banner on the Locations page until the event ends.


How to make events free for members, and paid for non-members?

To offer free event access to members and charge non-members, you can set up discounts on members' subscriptions. Simply go to the Community section, select the member or company, and configure a 100% discount for events in their subscription. Then, when creating a new event or selecting an existing one, set the regular price for non-members.

Can members add events to the app?

In your app, only administrators can create events. However, a process for members to submit event requests can be set up through the Shop page. To do this, create a new product on the Shop page with specified rules, a questionnaire, and event hosting guidelines (you can name it "Request Hosting Your Event", for example). Members interested in hosting an event can apply, leave event details in the "Comment" section and then administrators will reach out to them, create an event in the app, and add the user as a host.

Will event attendees be notified if the event is canceled?

If the event is canceled, all attendees receive a push notification in the app about it. If the push cannot be delivered, an email notification arrives.

Using this module is only available on specific plans.

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