Provide your marketing website visitors with an easy way to sign up for a membership plan, book a meeting room or a desk, apply for an office, or join events without contacting the administrator. Consider adding calls to action for leads (sign up, book now, join) and members (log in) to maximize conversion.
Instead of building a separate marketing website, you can point people to the automatically generated and highly optimized landing page that includes your locations, publicly available services, and links to mobile apps.
If you already have a marketing site, you can integrate it with member web portal by following this guide.
Sign Up
Allow your website visitors to subscribe to a membership plan easily. If your membership plans are vital to your revenue stream, ensure this call to action is the most prominent.
To prepare the sign-up link, navigate to the landing page of the member web portal > press the Sign Up
button > select a plan > press the share icon top right and copy the link. You can use this link on a Sign Up
button for your website users.
When your users follow the link, they see the plan details and can subscribe in a few taps. How users sign up for plans
Book a Room
Generate additional revenue from external meeting room bookings by adding the Book a Room
button to your website. You can point your website visitors to either all rooms or a specific room.
To prepare the booking link for all rooms, go to member web portal > Locations > Rooms and copy the URL from the browser tab.
To get the booking link for a certain meeting room, open the room by pressing on its title and click the Share
button top right.
Here is an example of what your users see when they follow the link to the Rooms page:
Here is an example of what your users see when they follow a link to a particular room's calendar:
Book a Desk
Let nonmembers book daily hot desks for a work day. You can add the Book a Desk
button, pointing your website visitors to the list of all available desks.
To copy a link to the Desks page, go to member web portal > Locations > Desks and copy the URL from the browser tab.
Here is an example of what your users see when they follow the link to the Desks page:
Also, you can copy a link to a particular desk by going to Locations > Desks > tapping on any desk and pressing the Share
button top right.
Generate leads and showcase your amazing community with public events. You can add the Events
button to point your website visitors to the list of all events or a specific event.
To copy a link to the Events page, go to member web portal > Locations > Events and copy the URL from the browser tab.
To land website visitors on a specific event, open the event and copy the direct link using the Share
Here is an example of what your website visitors see when they follow a link to the Events page:
Member Log In
To provide your members with a way to return to the member web portal, add the Member Log In
button to your marketing website. Copy the link to the root of the custom domain you configured for member web portal. For example:
Here is an example of what your users see when they follow the link: