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Cancel an event
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes, events tend to be canceled. Administrators can always cancel an event in the app if needed.

How administrator cancels the event

  1. Go to the Locations > Events page.

  2. Choose the event that needs to be canceled > press ... menu button top right > press Cancel.

How users are notified about the event being canceled

If the administrator cancels the event, all event attendees will receive a push notification that the event has been canceled.

If the push notification cannot be delivered because the user has logged out or disabled push notifications on their device, the email notification arrives instead.

Users can also check the event status on the Locations > Events page. If the event was canceled, the user will see the red label "Canceled" on the event being canceled.

Check the event status on Events page on on Spacebring's coworking space management platform

Attendees will not receive a refund if the administrator cancels the event. A refund can only be initiated if the attendee cancels the ticket. Understand refunds

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