Your web and mobile app enables real-time resource availability and interactive bookings through floor plans.
Users select the available desk, room, or office on the floor plan and make a booking. Administrators view the availability of desks, rooms, and offices on the floor plan via the Analytics > Occupancy page.
Floor plans come as an add-on and are available on specific plans. To order floor plans for your app, follow these steps.
How to use floor plans
To view or book available rooms via the floor plan, users do the following:
Go to Locations > Rooms > select the necessary floor.
Tap on the associated resource on the floor plan which is shown as green.
Proceed with a room booking.
Users can identify the availability of the rooms on the floor plan by the following colors:
Green fill — the room is available for booking now.
Red fill — the room is already booked at the moment.
White fill - the room is assigned to other companies or members and is not available for booking.
To view or book available desks via the floor plan, users do the following:
Go to Locations > Desks > select the necessary floor.
Tap on the associated resource on the floor plan which is shown as green.
Proceed with a desk booking.
Users can identify the availability of the desks on the floor plan by the following colors:
Green fill — the desk is available for booking on the selected day.
Red fill — the desk is already fully booked on the selected day.
White fill - the entire desk is assigned to other companies or members and is not available for booking or rent.
To view, book, or apply for the available offices via the floor plan, users do the following:
Go to Locations > Offices > select the necessary floor.
Tap on the associated resource on the floor plan which is shown as green.
Proceed with booking an office or applying for it.
Users can identify the availability of the offices on the floor plan by the following colors:
Green fill — the office is available for bookings or applications.
Red fill — the entire office is assigned to your company but is fully booked on the selected day, or all the seats in the office are assigned.
White fill — the entire office is assigned to other companies or members and is not available for rent.
Administrators can check what desk or office has any assignment, if it is available now or in the future, on the Locations > Analytics > Occupancy page by selecting the necessary floor and date.
When pressing on the office or desk, administrators can quickly view the resource's description in a pop-up window.
Administrators can identify the availability of the resources on the floor plan by the following colors:
Green fill - the resource is available for booking or rent on a chosen date.
Red fill - the entire resource is assigned to a company or member on a chosen date.
White fill - the resource isn't available for assignments.
To view the specific resource on the floor plan, you can enable the necessary resource type and disable others. For example, you can disable all resources except the "Office" resource to check which office is available for bookings or applications.
Why do I need a floor plan?
Why do I need a floor plan?
If your space has more than one floor, your users may face difficulties finding a necessary room/desk/office upon arrival. Having a floor plan inside your app allows users to make a booking directly from the plan, where they can check where exactly the resource booked is located.
Is it secure to show all my resources on the floor plan?
Is it secure to show all my resources on the floor plan?
Users can only see the location of the specific desk, room, or office but the floor plan doesn't show them what office is taken by what company or member, so it is fully secured.
Can other users see the floor plan on the Occupancy page?
Can other users see the floor plan on the Occupancy page?
The Occupancy page is visible only to administrators, so other users cannot access it. Users can view the floor plan on the Desks, Rooms, and Offices pages.