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Manage floor plans
Updated over a month ago

Administrators may need to change the floor's name, set a different visibility, map their resources, and add or delete floor plans. We prepared a simple guide for you on how to manage your floors.

Only administrators with "Settings" permission can edit and delete floor plans. Customize the administrators' permissions

How to edit floor plans

To manage the floor plan, go to Spacebring and follow the next steps:

  1. Navigate to Resources > Floors > press on the (...) menu button near the necessary floor and select Edit.

2. In the "Name" field, specify the floor name. Set the necessary visibility.

3. To map a resource, press on the necessary area and select a resource. Green areas are already mapped. The white areas are not interactive.

4. Press Save to save your changes.

If the previously mapped resource was deleted by the administrator, the mapped area will be displayed in orange for administrators on the Settings > Floors page. If you need to map the same resource again, recreate the resource in your app and map it on the floor plan. Once you map the resource, users can book it on the floor plan.

How to delete floor plans

It may happen that you no longer need a floor plan. To delete the floor plan, follow a few simple steps:

  1. Go to Resources > Floors.

  2. Press on the (...) menu button near the necessary floor and select Delete.

Removing a floor is irreversible and cannot be undone. However, we always save your floor plans, and if you decide to add the previously removed floor, contact us and we will reupload it to your app.

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