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Manage language settings
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Spacebring supports multiple languages.

  • Administrators can configure the preferred language for the network, each location, and their own account in the Spacebring admin dashboard.

  • Users can set their preferred language for the member web portal and mobile app.

Language settings for administrators

Network language

The network language setting determines the default language for the following pages:

To change the network language, do the following:

  1. Go to Spacebring as an owner > click the (...) menu next to the network name on the left-side panel.

  2. Select Network Settings > General.

  3. In the "Language" property, choose the preferred network language.

Location language

The location language determines:

  • The default language for member invitations. You can change the language of a specific invitation on the invite page.

  • The language of the invoices and related emails.

  • Emails to visitors' hosts with visit requests for approval or rejection.

  • Payment gateway transaction descriptions (in your payment gateway's dashboard).

To change the location language, administrators do the following:

  1. Go to Spacebring > press the (...) button next to the location name on the left-side panel.

  2. Select Location Settings > General.

  3. In the "Language" property, choose the preferred location language.

Language of the administrator account in Spacebring

Administrators can select the language for their own Spacebring account. This setting determines the language of the admin panel interface for them.

By default, Spacebring will be displayed in the administrator’s browser preferred language before/unless the administrator sets a different account language manually.

To change their account language, administrators do the following:

  1. Go to Spacebring > tap the (...) menu next to the network name on the left-side panel > Account.

  2. Navigate to the Language page.

  3. Select the language and press Save.

Language settings for users

Each user can choose their preferred language for the member web portal and mobile app, independently from the location language.

Language of the member web portal

Users can choose the language of their own account which determines:

  • The language of the member web portal interface for them.

  • The language of notifications and email notifications sent to them.

By default, the member web portal and notifications will be displayed in the user's browser's preferred language before/unless the user sets a different account language manually.

Account language only affects the member web portal interface. It doesn't influence the language of the member mobile app as well.

To change their account language, users do the following:

  1. Go to the Account page by pressing a button with their profile image, initials, or user icon on the member web portal's main page.

  2. Navigate to the Language page.

  3. Select the language and press Save.

Language of the member mobile app

The language of the member mobile app depends on the language settings of the user's device.

To change the language of the member mobile app, users do the following:

  • iOS and iPadOS. Go to their device's Settings > select the member mobile app > change language under the "Preferred Language" section.

  • macOS. The language is inherited from their system's preferences. Change macOS preferred languages

  • Android. The language is inherited from Android settings. Change Android system language

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