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Translate into your language
Updated this week

Your app supports the following languages:

  • English

  • Ukrainian

  • French (community)

  • German (community)

  • Spanish (community)

  • Czech (community)

  • Portuguese (community)

  • Kazakh (community)

  • Korean (community)

  • Russian (community)

Community translations are not official, and their quality is not guaranteed. Contribute to improving them.


We use machine translation to translate everything when a new language is added to the app. However, since machine translation may not be accurate, you must proofread the translation.

To contribute, find available languages and start translating the following projects:

If you need help or want to learn how to use the translation platform, feel free to refer to Crowdin Support. Once you contribute your translations, someone on our team will review and approve them. Once approved, the translation will go into production.


Please adhere to the following rules to help us keep the quality of translations high.

1. Consistent

The same things need to have the same names everywhere.

2. Precise

Try to stay as close as possible to the original to describe what the app does in your language.

3. Default

It will be much easier for people to use the app if familiar concepts have familiar names here. Whenever you're looking for a word, focus on those people are used to seeing in a relevant context. What does Apple use in this case? What does Google use? What do our main competitors in your region use?

4. Beautiful

Use good language to make the app look like it was built in your region. Respect your language's grammar and style where possible. Avoid abbreviations. Try to find ways around gender problems instead of going for things like o(a), unless the workaround looks even more awkward. In most cases, it's possible to find a way of saying anything without hurting the language.


How can I make changes to the translation?

If you want to make changes to any translation of the app in your language, navigate to the Crowdin project, submit the new translation there, and contact our support so we can approve it.

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