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Enable Reception

Learn how to start using Spacebring Reception for seamless visitor registration and check-in.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

The Reception app by Spacebring simplifies visitor check-in and check-out and provides speedy registration for unexpected visitors and more.


  1. Have a tablet with the screen of at least 7 inches, and that supports downloading Android or iPadOS apps installed in your space. Tablet requirements

Configure Visitors module

  1. Go to Spacebring > click (...) menu next to the location name on the left-side panel > Location Settings > Visitors > enable Visitors.

  2. Select the data that visitors can use to search for their hosts in the "Host Search" section:

  • The host's full name (mandatory)

  • The host's email address

  • The host's phone number

  • The host's company name (if the host is a member of any company)

Visitors will type their host's data when they request a visit to your space.

3. Enable "Check Out" if you want visitors to check out and track their visit duration.

4. Enable "Leave Contacts" if you want to use collecting contacts too.

Enter Reception app

To enter the reception app on your tablet, do the following:

1. Download the Reception app from Google Play or App Store to your device.

2. Open the app and press "Log In."

Enter Reception app on Spacebring's coworking space management platform

3. Type your email as an administrator of the location in which you want to enable the Reception app and enter the confirmation code.

4. Select your network and click on a location where the Reception app must work.

Enter Reception app on Spacebring's coworking space management platform

5. Once selected, the screen with the check-in and check-out options will appear for you to invite visitors for registration.

Enable Reception app on Spacebring's coworking space management platform

6. To prevent strangers from shutting down the app and reopening your tablet, set up Guided Access on iPad or Screen Pinning on Android tablets.

Exit Reception app

Log out from the Reception app

If you need to enable Reception using a different email address, you can easily log out of your current account.

To log out, close the app by swiping it up and off the screen and re-open it. Click on the (...) More button in the top right corner > tap Log Out.

Customize Reception app

The enabled Reception app immediately showcases the branded elements of your networks that you can change for all apps at once: Member Web Portal, Member Mobile App, and Reception. The Reception app displays the branded following elements:

  • The logo of Member Web Portal

  • The name of Member Web Portal

  • The accent color

  • The last image you uploaded as the location cover photo. If no image is uploaded now, then the set background color of the application will apply.

To edit the appearance of Reception app, do the following:

  1. If you need to edit the buttons' colors, network name, or logo, ask the owner to customize Member Web Portal.

  2. If you need to edit the background of the Reception app, as an administrator, upload a new location cover photo.

How to use the Reception app

Once enabled, administrators can use the Reception app for the following scenarios:

Troubleshoot Reception app

If you are having trouble enabling or using the Reception app, here are some possible reasons for the issues:

1. Poor Internet connection

Reconnect the Wi-Fi on your tablet or connect to a different network.

2. Logged in under the wrong email address

To see the options for choosing the right network, make sure to log in as an administrator.

3. Outdated app version

Make sure you have installed the latest version of the Reception app from Google Play or the App Store.

4. Your Spacebring subscription is not active or doesn't include the Room Display add-on:

Check your subscription status and the availability of the add-on following this guide.

5. The device doesn't comply with the technical requirements

Ensure your device meets the following requirements.

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