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Troubleshoot Stripe payments
Updated this week

Integrating your app with the Stripe gateway allows you to seamlessly accept user payments for all products and services. When a user makes a booking or purchase and completes a payment, Stripe handles the transaction, and your app displays the payment status. However, the transaction's success depends on several factors, including the performance of the Stripe payment gateway, the user's bank, and the quality of their internet connection.

If the transaction has been unsuccessful or you cannot find the payment made, follow the steps below to handle different use cases.

Troubleshoot payments

To troubleshoot payments, you need access to the location where the payment has been initiated as an administrator and the Stripe dashboard.

Step 1. Locate transaction ID

In your app, the transaction ID serves as the distinct identifier for the transaction. It allows you to find the transaction from the app in Stripe, and vice versa.

It may be unsuccessful to search for transactions by user name or email since users can change this information. Therefore, you always have to search for payments by transaction ID.

If you know who made a successful payment, you can locate the transaction ID in the following way:
1. Navigate to Locations > Community > select a user/company.

2. Go to Payments > Transactions > open the necessary transaction.

3. Tap View Receipt > download it and copy the transaction ID at the top of it.

You can only obtain receipts for successful transactions with a paid status.

If you don't know who made the payment or the payment hasn't been completed yet, you can find the transaction ID in the following way:
1. Navigate to the Analytics page by pressing the "Analytics" icon next to the location's name > tap Create report at the top right corner > create a report with "Transactions" type and download the report.

2. By checking the amount, time, or status of the transaction, find the one you're looking and copy the transaction ID from the "ID" column.

Step 2. Check the transaction status

When the payment doesn't go through, it's essential to understand the reason for this to assist your customer. For this, we reflect the statuses for each transaction in the app, and by using the transaction ID, you can find more information about them in Stripe dashboard.

Check the payment status in your app

To see the payment status in the app, select a user or company from the Community page > navigate to Billing > Transactions.

The app can display one of four possible transaction statuses:

Transaction Status


Your actions


The payment has been successfully completed

You can verify it in Stripe using the transaction ID


The payment has been declined for some reason, e.g. insufficient balance

Navigate to the Stripe dashboard, locate the transaction by its ID, and view the transaction status and more details about it


The user opened and closed the payment page without completing a payment

Ask your user to complete the payment


The user has opened the payment page but still needs to complete a payment. If 15 minutes expire and the user doesn't complete a payment, this transaction automatically gets canceled status.

Ask your user to complete the payment


The payment attempt has been completed by the user and the app is awaiting payment confirmation from the user's bank.

Wait for the transaction to be processed and check its status then.

Check the payment status in your Stripe dashboard

With the transaction ID, you can locate and check the status of a transaction in Stripe. If the status is failed, you can expand the transaction to reveal reasons for failure.

Step 3. Reach out to our team for help

If the previous steps have not resolved your payment issues, contact our support.

To help the support team investigate the issue, please provide the following data:

  • Transaction ID

  • Specify the exact step at which the problem occurs

  • The device and app version your user is using

  • Provide a video of the complete payment process for our reference.

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