The Shop page allows you to sell any additional services, such as food or merch.
Create a shop product
Before adding shop products, make sure to:
enable the "Shop" switch on Location Settings page by pressing the menu (...) near the location name > Shop.
create product categories to group your products by type. For example, the product category can be "Cafe", "Merch", "Services", etc.
To add a product, go to Spacebring and follow these steps:
Navigate to the Service > Shop > press the
Add Product
in the top right corner and configure it:
Cover photo | A picture with a 2x1 ratio. |
Title | The title of the product. |
Description | Details about the product you want users to see on the app. |
Category | Select which category the product belongs to. |
Featured | If enabled, the product will be prominently pinned at the top of the Shop page. |
Options | Add subproducts that the product is composed of. For example, if the product is "Food", the options could include "Pizza," "Burger," and "Burrito." Each option can have its title, description, custom tax rate, and price in credits and money. |
Order | If enabled, your customers will be able to order a product. |
Confirmation Email | Enable to send confirmation emails to your customers and customize the text of the email. |
Refund Policy | Select whether orders are refundable. If an automatic refund is possible, it will only be processed for orders canceled while in the "New" status. |
Visibility | Manage access to the product by making it visible to administrators, location members, network members, or the public. |
2. Press the Done
button to create the product.
How users see products
Once you add the products, they will be visible to your users on the Shop page.
Using this module is only available on specific plans.