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Understand the billing cycle anchor
Understand the billing cycle anchor
Updated over a month ago

The billing cycle anchor setting determines the date of all users' subscription renewals and defines whether the subscription elements' proration for the first subscription cycle applies.

Set billing cycle anchor

  1. Log in to Spacebring > press (...) next to the location name > Location Settings > Billing.

  2. In the "Billing Cycle Anchor" field, select one of the two values:

  • Subscription Start Date

  • First Day of the Month

A subscription inherits a billing cycle anchor at the moment of creation. If you change the billing cycle anchor, it will apply only to future subscriptions, but the existing ones will continue to renew according to their current billing cycle anchor.

Subscription Start Date

If "Subscription Start Date" is selected as the billing cycle anchor, users' subscriptions renew, and they are billed on the date they subscribed.

Thus, the first subscription cycle is not prorated, and users get the first invoice with the full price and the full number of credits and day passes.

First Day of the Month

If "First Day of the Month" is selected as the billing cycle anchor, users' subscriptions renew, and they are billed on the first day of each month, regardless of the date they subscribed.

As a result, if the user subscribes on a date other than the first date of the month, their first subscription cycle is incomplete. The user receives a prorated invoice and a prorated number of credits and day passes for their first subscription cycle. The subscription renews on the first day of the month in all subsequent subscription cycles with the full invoice price and credits and day pass numbers. Understand how proration works

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