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Invite multiple users

Seamlessly invite individual and company users to your app.

Updated over a week ago

You can easily invite multiple users to your app at once and assign them to specific companies. Plus, you can create personalized subscriptions for each user. All you have to do is copy and paste their information from a spreadsheet. This saves you a lot of time compared to manually inviting each user individually.

Prepare your data

Before sending out mass invitations to users, gather all the necessary data for the invitation and create relevant content within your app.

Prepare companies data

Before inviting individual users, create companies and plans:

If some of your companies have unique plans (for example, a plan that includes a unique price for the office), you don't need to create such a plan separately. In this case, you can create custom subscriptions for these companies after all users are invited.

Prepare user data

Prepare a spreadsheet with the following columns:

Column Name


First Name


Last Name



Phone Number

Please ensure the emails are unique since your app uses them as a unique user identifier.

Prepare all individual plans with credits and discounts:

  • If you need to use credits, ensure that credits are enabled, and all the relevant products have the correct price in credits (e.g., meeting rooms). How to use credits

If you are using HubSpot to store your customers' data, you can instantly import all of them into a specific location in your app by following this guide. This will save you time from manually copying and pasting users' data from a spreadsheet to your app.

Send invitations

Invite individual users

To invite multiple individual users, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Locations > Community page and tap the (...) menu in the top right corner.

  2. Click on Invite Multiple Users.

  3. Copy the information from your spreadsheet and paste it into the mass invitation window. Configure the other fields, such as the language of the invitation, the company, and the plan details, if necessary.

    Invite multiple users on Spacebring's coworking space management platform

  4. Press Invite .

With mass inviting individual users, you can also create subscriptions for them automatically by selecting the plan name, start date, and renewal.

Invite company users

To invite users to a particular company, do the following:

  1. Go to Locations > Community and open the company.

  2. Tap the Mass Invite button located under the company name.

  3. Fill in the required details, click Invite. Your app will take care of the rest, sending out invitations to all associated users effortlessly.

  4. Once users are invited to the companies, select company managers for each and create company subscriptions.

You will receive a confirmation on the app screen upon inviting new users. To distinguish the new users, a "New" label will accompany their names on the Locations > Community page > "Users" tab.

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